Mercedes’ focus on the masses seems to have enhanced this year. Earlier the day, it launched B-Class facelift, now the reports arrived affirming company launched the 2015 A-Class in this country for a price of Rs 26.95 lakh. Tagged as A200CDI, the hatchback boasts same 2.2-litre diesel engine, but produce 134bhp and 300Nm of torque, which is quite more than the outgoing model. This new refinement makes it to stand clear in line with the GLA and CLA. Apart from the technical upgrades, some cosmetic improvements like sunroof and 16-inch alloy wheels are turned as standard features. In fact, the A180 Sport of petrol cadre holds that same 1.6-litre 4-cylinder turbocharged engine of 121bhp and 200Nm of torque.
Well, that’s all for now, Mercedes is working on a mid-life facelift of the A-Class which it may bring soon. Till then, stay tuned to us for more automotive updates.