Audi India recently launched the Audi A6 in India. The new A6 has features galore and is also quite competitively priced. The new Audi A6 has a starting price of INR 37.7 lakhs for its 2.0TDI variant, and goes as high as INR 47 lakhs for its 3.0 TFSI variant for the base trim levels. All of the prices are according to ex-showroom prices in Delhi where it was launched today.
The A6 is available on four different powertrains to choose from, including two diesel and two petrol engines. The petrol engines include a 2.8l FSI engine that has a displacement of 2,772cc with a max power of 204bhp, and a 3.0l TFSI engine that has a displacement of 2,995cc with a max power of 300bhp. Both of these engines are 6 cylinder units and are paired with a seven speed gear box. While the former engine is a front wheel drive, the latter is an all wheel drive Quattro as standard.
Meanwhile the diesel engines offered include a 2.0l TDi four cylinder engine, and a 3.0l TDi six cylinder engine. The former engine is new addition in the A6 platform, and is set to take on the BMW 520d and the E250 CDI from Mercedes. The 3.0l TDi engine has a displacement of 2,967cc with a max power of 245bhp, whereas the 2.0l TDi engine has a displacement of 1,968cc with a max power of 177bhp. Both of the engines are paired with a seven speed gear box.
The A6 is designed as an athletic, yet spacious and practical car. Its list of features includes traction control, ESP, ABS and air bags, as well as a Multimedia Interface Touch screen. The A6 features Xenon head lights as standard, with LED headlights being available as an optional feature.
The new Audi A6 also features an air suspension that has lift facility as standard. The 3.0l TFSI also features a start and stop facility as standard, while it also features an Efficiency mode that can be selected from the MMI.
The company currently has around 13 dealer outlets in India, which they plan to increase to 18 dealer outlets by 2011 end. Some of the cities likely to receive the new dealer outlets include Lucknow and Coimbatore, as the company is planning to increase their presence in Tier II and III cities as well. South Bombay, Surat and Delhi West are others. The A6 could also be launched in newer variants such as the Executive Sports Saloon S6.