Auto industry opens shutters in Japan

The tremors from the earthquake that happened in Japan and the subsequent destruction that followed is something which many wouldn’t forget for the rest of their lives. However, as they say, life has to move on and so some of the major Japanese automobile sector players have taken a cue from this and have reopened their manufacturing plants. The plants would start off being partially open and then later on move onto full fledged production.  The companies that would restart their operations are Nissan, Toyota and Mitsubishi. It was reported in our column that many of the Japanese automobile companies have stopped or suspended their operations until further notice. Toyota was the first to send a batch of evaluators to their facilities to check out how much damage was done to their property. It was only after the evaluators confirmed that not much damage has occurred did Toyota give the go ahead to starting the plant again.

However majority of Toyota and Nissan factories would remain closed until the issue regarding the radiations from the nuclear plants is solved. Mitsubishi Motors on the other hand have confidently got all their plants up and running. In the meanwhile Mazda and Honda plants would remain closed until further notice. It seems that Honda have got some major setbacks from the natural disasters which happened recently. A positive thing is that many manufacturers would now be forced to think about their international production strategies.

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