General Motors had announced ‘U First Camp’ for all the Chevy users in India. Being held at 250 dealers and workshops across the country, under this initiative one will get free service check up, discounts on mechanical and labor job undertaken, and complimentary gifts. The camp is scheduled for 3 days i.e. from April 19 – 21, 2013 (Friday to Sunday) between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm.
In addition to all the services, Chevrolet will also display their cars that are being on board under their moniker in India, so as to get clarification in customers’ perception and vision for their next vehicle purchase.
Commenting on this initiative, Mr. Rajesh Singh, Vice President, Sales, Marketing & After-sales, General Motors India said, “Chevrolet closely tracks evolving customer preferences and prevailing trends. This camp is an effort by us to continue our endeavor in communicating Chevrolet’s service accessibility and low maintenance costs to present as well as prospective customers through the Free Service Check-up Camp.”
At last, this is not the only and first service camp being held by Chevrolet, as the automaker also used to conduct same at regular intervals for delighting customers at their doorsteps.