Mahindra has revealed that the company has sold as many as five lakh units of the popular SUV Scorpio in India. The car was launched first in 2002 and has been extremely successful throughout the country.
The car had reached the milestone of four lakh units just in 2013, which means that more than 50000 units have been sold per year by Mahindra in the last two years for this SUV alone. This landmark will definitely add a lot of weight to the brand value that Mahindra has and will go a long way in establishing it as a leading Indian car manufacturer.
The Mahindra Scorpio has by and large remained the same over the years barring when a new generation as launched in 2014. This bears testimony to how well the car has managed to sustain itself over a decade and how ahead of its time it has been.
The latest model comes with quite a few features and has been built on an all-new platform. Mahindra provides greater comfort, safety, performance and convenience in its new offering and has updated the Scorpio to keep on delivering to customers. However, that is not to say that the popularity of the SUV has waned. The Scorpio has always sold very well and with the updated version being launched last year, the sales for the SUV have picked up once again. Mahindra has always been a force to reckon with when it comes to SUV’s and this establishes that further.