Hyundai planning to expand its move in India extensively; it has said to reach the six million mark after the launch of i20 Active. This milestone aims for the Chennai manufacturing facility where the automaker achieved five million mark in October 2013.
Commenting about the orders received of i20 Elite, the previous launch of Hyundai, they bagged 1,03,960 bookings out of which 70,000 cars have reached their buyers and thirty thousand are still pending.
Hyundai posted a growth of 8 per cent last year, but they are aiming for a better result this time when the industry itself too speculates to surge ahead with great zest on a comparison note.
Commenting about the i20 Active at the launch, a top-hat of the company reported to a source, Hyundai had experienced immense growth in India and depending upon the same size improvement in future, it expects the Active to not only sell in this country but also export to countries of Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America.
Apparently, the market for the hatchback cum crossovers is about 1,000 units a month, but the expectation says it shall reach higher figures in near future. Stating further, there will be 50:50 demand of petrol and diesel variant for Hyundai cars in India, the reason petrol became pocket-friendly in the past few days.
Though, we wish Hyundai luck and wait for the clock to kick out that six millionth car from the plant in Chennai. To raise the excitement, one can shoot us the feedback mentioning which model could make as 60,000,00th step of the milestone.