Hyundai Motors has started the production of an LPG variant for its hatchback, the Hyundai Eon that has been launched recently. It is expected that the car maker is going to unveil this greener and cleaner variant of the Eon at the 2012 Delhi Auto Expo. The vehicle is going to be subsequently launched in the market within a few months.
The Hyundai Eon is now going to be provided with an LPG kit that is going to be factory fitted. This will accompany the petrol tank of 32L that has already been provided in the car. As has been the case with the recent Blue Drive of i10, the LPG kit of the Hyundai Eon is also going to receive certification from ARAI. It is also going to be impact resistant.
In another recent development, the car maker from India has announced that it has started exporting the petrol variant of the Eon, which is being manufactured at its plant in Chennai, from December 2011. This indigenous car from India is now being exported to Algeria.