India’s leading SUV manufacturer, Mahindra and Mahindra, has initiated the bookings for all-wheel drive version of its popular All-wheel drive XUV500. It is evident with the tremendous response from the earlier version that this all-wheel drive will again hit the market with a score. The automaker has also hiked the production output at the Chakan plant to ensure that vehicles are delivered timely to the customers.
The All-wheel drive XUV500 can be booked across the country with company’s dealership network by paying an initial amount of about Rs.40,000. As for now, the customer will have to wait as the delivery may take from 2 to 3 months.
With the rise in the competition and the increasing demand for more feature laden vehicles in the market, XUV500 has already been giving a tough competition to the contenders like Tata Aria and Tata Safari in regards to the sales volume. The UV vehicle segment is seeing step rise with tons of vehicle being launched. Now the market has been covered by the amazing MPVs that are finding their way to the top of the segment with their petrol and automatic versions.
All-wheel drive XUV500 was revealed last year in September and received tons of acclamations, now the model is celebrating its first year in the country. In one year Mahindra has already sold about 35,000 units of XUV500 while 14,000 more units are yet to be delivered. There is lot more behind the flagship SUV from Mahindra. It has already outranked the sedans in the price segment of Rs. 10 to 15 lakhs. The attractive price of the vehicle is also one key point has paved its way to the success.