A new diesel MPV, the ‘Supro Van’ has been launched by Mahindra and Mahindra and this will be taking on the Maruti Omni across the country. Priced at Rs.4.38 lakh, the Van is looking to get a bunch of semi urban customers and follows BS-III emission norms.
The Van comes powered with a 909cc engine that delivers 45.6bhp in terms of power and comes with either a five-seater or eight-seater option. This means that it may turn out to be a fantastic passenger vehicle as well, much like the Omni has become. Based on the new Supro platform from Mahindra, the car will take on not only the Omni but the Eeco as well which have been leading the markets for quite some while now.
The top model will be available with air conditioning and power steering both while lower end models may not have air conditioning or power steering or both. The engine is mated to a five speed manual gearbox across the board as well.
In addition to this launch, the “Supro Maxitruck” has also been launched by Mahindra and this has been priced at Rs.4.25 lakh. It will also follow the BS-III emission norms and will be a one tonne payload commercial vehicle. Both the van and the truck are to be manufactured at the Chakan production facility of the company and will be made available in as many as three colours.