A new generation of cars is coming with top-notch drive by wire features, and Nevada is making way for new breed of cars, self-driving automobiles. Walking down the Las Vegas strip, you might witness red license plate, and that simply means, the car ahead of you has no driver. It is good news for all those who find GPS navigation a little too-less guiding system while driving to their destination.
The story goes back to 2010, when Google confirmed that the wave of tomorrow was here, and their new car could drive cars autonomously off road and in city streets. Last summer, Google lobbied the Nevada legislature to allow autonomous cars on public roads. And on Thursday, Nevada legislative commission approved a series of regulations to govern these new autonomous vehicles. The boundaries have been laid down by vehicle manufacturers, law enforcement agencies and insurance companies. Though the commission did not release any details about the new regulations, but we know that these autonomous cars will be carrying a red license plate.
This technology is well tried and tested by Google on public roads and can help reduce the number of accidents and casualties by 50%. As of now, Audi and Volkswagen have already begun designing their own versions of autonomous cars, tested by Google over 1,00,000 miles of driving without any documented accident.