Continuing the trend to this festive season, 2013 Chevrolet Cruze launched to us in India at a price of Rs. 13.75 lakh ex showroom Delhi. Though the new Cruze is not launched with some media fanfare, but the American carmaker followed the way of way of soft launch, via updating their website and other media consoles like Facebook and such with its relevant new vehicle info and image.
In fact, the 2013 Cruze is only the cosmetic change, with 16” restyled alloys, new bumpers, aggressive front spoiler, and that’s all. No changes on interiors seen to be carried out yet.
Hence, the 2013 sedan of bowtie logoed carmaker dons that ongoing 2.0-litre VCDi diesel jag of 166PS and 380Nm of torque. Given down, customers can choose between the 6-speed manual or automatic transmission on the new Cruze even.
To an addition, we found out that, Sail U-VA hatchback is now sporting a five year warranty for Indian customers to lure them in the showrooms during the festive tempt. Well, the GM has also driven a chance of winning a 10g gold coin on its delivery. Prices of U-VA initiate at Rs 4.30 lakh, ex-Delhi.