Luxury carmaker Rolls Royce announced its fourth dealership in India with the debut of Ghost Extended Wheelbase. This is the sixth new Rolls Royce model. Rolls Royce already has its foots in Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad. In Chandigarh, the sales will begin by April, under Select Cars Private Ltd., which is already operating in Delhi. Chandigarh’s infrastructure facility and diverse mix of sectors makes it a preferred choice for the new showroom of Rolls Royce. Moreover, the company plans two more dealership in India by end of this year.
Paul Harris, Regional Director, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Asia Pacific, said, “We have made no secret of our ambitions in India, a market with a century old association with Rolls-Royce motor cars. Strategically, we have identified Chandigarh as the perfect place to enter the next phase of expansion in India. We have already seen a healthy amount of interest from Chandigarh-based customers and I am confident in the potential of this highly important territory.”
The Ghost Extended Wheelbase success haunts India with its combination of segment-leading cabin space and driver dynamics. Rear-cabin passengers have 170mm more room added to the ample space in Ghost Extended Wheelbase. The panoramic sunroof adds ambience to your comfort, is standard of all models. In addition, the lambs-wool carpet and multimedia theatre configuration are also standard. Rolls Royce is one of the few carmakers, which offer hand made interiors. And the Malabar wood interior is just an example of its ethnicity.
The Ghost Extended Wheelbase was launched in India in 2010. Rolls Royce sold 3,538 cars globally in the year 2011 and 2,711 cars in 2010, a staggering 31% growth in a year. With the launch of the Ghost, Rolls Royce has introduced new generation of customers to the brand, with its improved drivability and un-parallel luxury. And assisting the design team for Indian customers, Ghost Extended Wheelbase gives car-making a whole new dimension.