One of India’s prominent SUV maker, Mahindra and Mahindra is making all the right noises in India, the US debacle not withstanding. Mahindra and Mahindra are now setting up a new plant in Zaheerabad, Andhra Pradesh and this would be a tractor manufacturing plant. Reports say that M&M are pumping in Rs 300 crores in this plant for the R&D as also production facilities. The production unit would however be fully functional by next year. Estimates say that every year 100,000 tractors would be rolled out of this factory. Work is on now for setting up engine, gear box, assembly and sheet painting assemblies. As of now, Mahindra sells tractors under two brands in India namely Swaraj and Mahindra. It is also the number 1 as far as sales are concerned. This is the 7th tractor plant in India for the company with other facilities at Rajkot, Mumbai, Nagpur, Mohali, Jaipur and Uttarkhand. Moreover there are three plants overseas in Australia, China and the US.
President (automotive & farm equipment), M&M, Pawan Goenka said that the new plant which would be setup would have ecologically-friendly focus, advanced technological processes, large-scale manufacturing set-up and also would set a new benchmark as far as manufacturing of tractors in India is concerned. The main focus would be on emission norms and also building tractors in the 30-90 Hp power region for both the domestic as also the international markets. M&M is also a force to reckon with overseas and the domestic sales figures of 166,000 tractors for 2010 shows the company’s numero uno position here.