Suzuki has lowered prices of the 2018 Hayabusa and GSX-R1000R in India. new price of the 2018 Suzuki GSX-R1000R is Rs.19.80 lakhs instead of Rs.22 lakhs which was there earlier, while price of the 2018 Hayabusa has come down to Rs.13.59 lakhs, cheaper by Rs.28,000.
This price cut came after Central Board of Excise and Customs announced new limit of 50 percent in customs duty for all bikes imported in India through the CBU route. The rate earlier was 60 percent for 800cc or less bikes and 75 percent for bikes above 800cc capacity.
For bikes brought to India through the CKD route, customs duty will now be 25 percent instead of 30 percent that was charged earlier. But if engine and transmission of the bikes are not in pre-assembled form then customs duty will 15 percent, which earlier was 10 percent.