Tata is one of leading brand of automakers in India. During this festive season, Tata has launched its new model Tata Aria LX at an exciting and lucrative price Rs.9.95 lakh. There are new features lined up like power steering power windows and some as according to the standard.
Tata has focused on the segment of commercial passenger vehicle than individual buyers. Hopefully, the Tata Aria LX will rock in the market and new anti lock braking system will surely lure the customers.
Tata’s first model of Aria was launched in 2010 with an option of 4×4 which was built with new light weight hydro-form chassis and x2 platform. However, it was not proved to be a successful product as the company was expecting. Therefore, the company is hoping a lot from it new stripped down version.
In the Indian passenger vehicle segment, the other models like Tata safari, new Indigo Manza and India ev2 has set the benchmark and reached the company on the 2 level in the Passenger vehicle segment.
There are 6 more products has been planned to launch in India within next year. Hence, the company has now tremendous hope from its new model Tata Area LX to contribute in the successful journey of Tata.