After a long time, good news had arisen for Tata Motors. Jaguar Land Rover global wholesales for the month of April 2014 were termed higher by 39% over April 2013.
The Tata Motors Group global wholesales at 75,026 nos including Jaguar Land Rover, during the last month.
On a specific note, Tata Motors global wholesales of all commercial vehicles – Tata, Tata Daewoo were 27,054 nos. Global wholesales of all passenger vehicles in April 2014 were 47,972 nos, where global wholesales of Tata passenger vehicles in April 2013 were 7,835 nos, showing a great degree of improvement.
In numerical terms, the global wholesales for Jaguar Land Rover were 40,137 units. Bifurcating each of them, Jaguar wholesales resulted 5,704, while Land Rover wholesales for the month were 34,433 nos.