Tata Motors Ltd has announced the launching of the ‘Nano: Art in Motion’ drive, in which renowned creative persons will work their magic on the world’s cheapest car, the Tata Nano and use it as a canvas.
The opening Nano Art Car under the unique operation will be decorated by well-known artist, Ms Sangeeta Babani who will begin the work of alteration on Tata Nano from September 14-16, 2012.
The renowned artist will commence her work at the Palladium Courtyard of the High Street Phoenix in the city of Mumbai.
Thrilled about designing on Nano, Ms Babani proposes to understand the subject of festivity utilizing her signature mix of practi cality and abstract art, set to the lively color palette for which her painting is famous to follow.
Ms Babani will be aided by Mr. Anil Dingankar, a young and approaching artist.
Once decorated, the multi-colored Nano will travel around the city during the forthcoming Ganesh Chaturthi festival, visiting pandals and well known places in the city.
In addition to the pandals, the vibrant Nano will also visit orphanage homes as well as educational institutions.
Introducing ‘Nano: Art in Motion’, MsDelnaAvari, head of Nano Product Group, Tata Motors stated that the world’s cheapest car is anexactnovelty and anenjoyable car, and art is all about having enjoyment with colors, originality and special expression.
MsDelna added that thru this scheme, they are marrying art and utility to present a series of Tata Nano that will be decorated with varying theme-based portrayals, further highlighting the brand’s personality as a strong personal mark.
The first art car will focus on the subject of festivity.