The 30 Millionth Volkswagen Golf is ready for its launch

The iconic Volkswagen car company has set yet another record for the world to see. One of the most successful venture for Volkswagen has been its car, Golf. Till date, this car has been one of the top selling cars by Volkswagen. The company head has revealed that the company has just manufactured its 30 millionth Volkswagen Golf which is ready to make its way to the market.

Volkswagen is a German car making company which is termed as the 2nd largest, in terms of production and sales, in the world. It was started in the year 1937 and has been in business since over 76 years now.

Volkswagen Golf, one of the top 10 Volkswagen cars, made its way to the market in the year 1974 and since then has stayed in the market to rule. The car has had an average sale of 2,000 per day since its launch, making it the most successful car ever for Volkswagen.

Volkswagen spends a lot of money in its research projects. The estimates say that it is No.1 in terms of expenditure on research projects in the world. The golf has undergone a tremendous amount of modifications since its first launch. The first of the models were focused on high safety on front wheel driving. The third generation Golf brought in TDI technology while the fourth generation Golf came along with ESC and dual gears. The fifth generation models reached the market in 2006.

The 30 Millionth Volkswagen Golf is ready for its launch
The present models, ready to be launched, are highly sophisticated TDI based BlueMotion cars with automatic post collision braking system along with other features. This Golf has is highly fuel efficient with an average of 31km/hr.

Volkswagen’s chairman of management of board, Professor Martin, proudly received the ” Car of the year 2013″ award for the Golf. He said in the interview regarding all the hard work that was required in making Golf, what it is today.

We hope that Volkswagen keep up with their dedication for bringing to the people outstanding products at unbeatable prices. The new generation models will be available in the market soon.

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