A new 110cc bike named Radeon has been launched by TVS priced at Rs.48,400. The bike has a design which different from other bikes in this segment. It has a uniquely shaped fuel-tank with knee pads. The headlight and cowl design is quite similar to the TVS Victor. The seat is flat and textured.
There is heavy use of chrome on the bike – another feature which distinguishes the bike from its competitors. When it comes to engine, the Radeon is powered by a 109.7cc engine that makes 8.4hp and 8.7Nm of torque.
It gives a mileage of 69.3kmpl. The Radeon would be available with five year warranty and in four color schemes – white, beige, purple and black.
According to TVS, the Radeon is targeted towards people between 25 and 35 years of age living in small towns and villages and is meant to give them a stylish bike with good mileage and ground clearance at an affordable price.