When a woman is driving alone, situations other than car crashes can be potential life threatening possibilities might come her way. Cases such as abduction, falling prey to police impersonator and carjacking, sexual predators have maximized the risk of driving. Here are a few simple rules that can make driving a safer experience:
- Before taking the road, a woman must be sure of the maintenance of her car and whether or not it is running in a good condition. This includes the electrical system, wheel alignment, brakes, engine, engine oil, coolant, adequately filled gas tank and tyres with good treads. Personal items including the first-aid kit, bottled water and medications should be taken along.
- Potential problems should be anticipated and so a fully charged cell phone should be carried along. Keep a spare car charger handy along with the one in use. Car chargers do not sustain for long. One-touch phone numbers including those of the police, friends and family must be pre-set on it. The cell phone shouldn’t be used while driving unless and until there is absolute necessity. If it has to be used very urgently, a woman must pull off the road for making and receiving calls.
- For ensuring maximum communication while visiting unfamiliar areas or long distance drive, it should be installed on the dashboard or the GPS i.e. the Global Positioning system should be used. This device may definitely help in giving instant information such as categorical directions, road conditions and emergency phone numbers of hospitals and police.
- All the safety rules should be followed well while driving. The safety belt should be buckled. The doors of the car should be kept locked when one is inside or when the car is parked. Before leaving the car, one must make sure that the emergency brake is secured.
- When a woman is driving with children in the car, she must be sure that they are buckled up safely when the car is moving. When the car is parked, the engine should not be left running.
- If the journey is too long, a woman must take along an adult relative or a responsible friend.
These rules must be followed by women for practicing courtesy, alertness intelligent driving and personal safety. If a woman follows these rules, she can ensure her safe arrival in the destination and well within time.